TVFL Website

10/6/08 TVFL Meeting


  • Discussed state allocations and how it was awarded.  I will put it on our homepage.
  • Passed out Assessment Statement that coaches can get online at the CHSSA site due December 1st.
  • As a coach, you may want to join the NFHS Speech, Debate, and Theatre Association because along with support material you also get liability insurance.
  • Each Area is responsible for submitting 2 Bills & 2 Resolutions to the state tournament.  Our topics are Energy Policy & Military Conflict and Intervention.  You can get all six areas with explanations on our homepage.
  • Some coaches signed a petition for a state wide referendum on using laptops in Policy Debate rounds.
  • Coaches can order DVD's from the CHSSA website on OA, Congress, and Expos.  You can get TI for free if you pay your dues on time.
  • Coaches can also check CHSSA minutes online if they are interested.
  • Coaches can download the California Speech Bulletin from online.  It has examples of winning speeches in it.
  • Coaches were assigning bills to specific schools which I'll post once I get the list.




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